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Supporting Your Child with Anxiety And/Or OCD

Mona Potter, MD and Kathryn Boger, PhD, ABPP recently partnered with ADAA to host an insightful Q&A webinar addressing strategies for parenting children with anxiety and OCD. The engaging discussion provided parents and caregivers with practical tips and recommendations, and the audience asked so many wonderful questions that Drs. Potter and Boger weren’t able to respond to them all in the time allotted. So they’ve penned this blog to address the most common themes that emerged from the questions.

Understanding the Connection Between Tourette’s and OCD

Tourette’s Syndrome and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) often co-occur in children, teens, and young adults. While they have different characteristics and diagnostic criteria, they share some commonalities in terms of symptoms and underlying neurobiology.

Coping With The Mental Health Aspects of Tourette’s in Children

Our Clinical Director, joined other leading pediatric mental health experts in a special 60 minute webinar focused on: Understand the mental health challenges that often accompany Tourette’s.

Effectiveness of Intensive Virtual Treatment for Pediatric Anxiety and OCD 

In light of the growing pediatric mental health crisis and long wait times to see an in-person therapist, a team of mental health leaders from the nationally recognized McLean Anxiety Mastery Program (MAMP) conducted research regarding the benefits of videoconferencing-based cognitive behavioral therapy (VCBT) for intensive treatment of pediatric anxiety and OCD.

Why Measuring Mental Health Improvement Matters

It’s critical that we address pediatric mental health and create access to a proven specialty care model that targets specific needs. At InStride Health, we’re taking on the broken mental health system by offering insurance-based access to a coordinated clinical team with the training, expertise, and evidence-based treatment approach specifically designed for the needs of pediatric anxiety and OCD.

Anxiety and OCD Q&A

This Q&A webinar presented in partnership with the ADAA is designed for parents and caregivers featuring experts Drs. Mona Potter & Kathryn Boger. The conversation provides answers to help you learn practical strategies to empower both you and your child to understand their worries and manage their anxiety and or OCD. This session empowers you with knowledge and resources to help your child thrive.

Step By Step

Hear Dr. Kathryn Boger, InStride’s Chief Clinical Officer, read “Step by Step”, her new book about facing fears

How To Steer Through Back-To-School-Stress: A Parent’s Guide

Earlier this month, Dr. Mona Potter, our co-founder and Chief Medical Officer, and other leading pediatric mental health experts in a special 60 minute webinar focused on helping parents identify the signs and triggers of back-to-school stress and anxiety for their children.

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